Community Development FAQ’s
Who manages property use on the reservation?
Trust properties owned by the Suquamish Tribe and Tribal families are subject to Federal land use requirements. Properties owned by individuals are subject to Kitsap County zoning and regulations.
How can I find out if the property is owned by the Suquamish Tribe or an individual?
You can perform a parcel search on the Kitsap County Website >click here. If the property details include the term “In Trust” the property likely is owned by the Suquamish Tribe or a Tribal family. If you want to know if you are an owner of trust property, contact the Natural Resources Department.
I own property on the Port Madison Indian Reservation, where should I go to get a permit?
All properties owned by individuals on the Port Madison Indian Reservation are subject to Kitsap County zoning and regulations. As such, all permitting for these types of properties is managed by Kitsap County. For information on how to apply for building use permits and more, visit their website >click here.