Suquamish Updates Now (SUN)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Suquamish Tribal government is expanding the text message system used by Tribal Elders to all Suquamish Tribal members, Tribal families, and others in the community. You can sign up to get current information on upcoming events and services, and to receive alerts and life-saving guidance during emergencies.
Sign-up here
What is Suquamish Updates Now (SUN)?
SUN is a text, voice message, and email alert system that allows the Suquamish Tribal government to reach Tribal members, Elders, family members, and others in the community with targeted messages. That means we can reach you if there’s an emergency or an important update regarding a community event, a service, or an opportunity.
What sort of messages will I receive?
You could receive a text or voice message during an emergency, or an email for a special Tribal election or cultural events, to name a few examples.
How many messages will I receive?
We will only send information that we believe you would really want to have, like services offered or events. We won’t spam you with unnecessary information or ads.
Why are you asking what “community” I’m part of?
Checking the box for Suquamish Tribal member, Veteran, Elder, or other groups ensures that you will receive messages relevant to you. For example, Early Learning Center families will get ELC updates, but not messages specifically for Veterans. Of course, you can check multiple boxes.
What will you do to assure the privacy of the information I provide?
The database containing your information can only be accessed by authorized Tribal government staff, who are trained in handling sensitive information, and by the vendor handling the system. None of this information will be sold or shared with outside parties.
Is there a cost?
Signing up and receiving texts and emails is free. However, depending on your plan, your service provider may charge you a fee for receiving messages.
How do I update my settings?
Please click on this link to update phone number or email address, or to change which groups you are part of. Remember, it is important in case of emergency that we can reach you, so please make sure we have your current contact information.
I have another question. How can I get it answered?
Email [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
This sounds great! I’m ready sign up. What do I do next?
Sign-up here. It’s quick and easy!
Please ask family and friends who are part of the Suquamish Community to sign up, too.