Tribal Council Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to Tribal Code

New LLC Act

The Suquamish Tribal Council is seeking written comments on a proposed new Suquamish Chapter 11.11 – Suquamish Limited Liability Company Act.

Click here to see the proposed code or contact the Office of Tribal Attorney for a paper copy. If approved, the proposed amendments to Suquamish Tribal Code will:

  • Permit the formation of for-profit business on the Port Madison Reservation as Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
  • LLCs have ‘legal personhood’ which will vest the LLC with the ability to sue and be sued in courts of law and the ability to own property and borrow money.
  • LLC owners will not be personally liable for LLC debts and obligations.
  • Permit the Suquamish government, PME, and SSE to create Tribally owned LLCs and subsidiary LLCs which will allow the Tribe and its entities to more quickly and easily form business entities with flexible ownership structures.

Deadline: Please submit written comments by November 1, 2024 to:

  • Mail – Office of the Tribal Attorney, STC Chapter 11.11 Comments, P.O. Box 498, Suquamish, WA 98392
  • Email – With the subject line “Chapter 11.11 Comments” to

Please feel free to forward this notice to any and all interested people.


The Suquamish Tribal Council is seeking written comments on proposed implementation of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) 2022 expanded criminal jurisdiction over non-natives on the Port Madison Reservation.
Click here to see the proposed changes or contact the Office of Tribal Attorney for a paper copy. If approved, the proposed amendments to Suquamish Tribal Code will:
  • Implement “Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction” (STCJ) over an expanded list of “covered crimes” that includes, in addition to the VAWA 2013 crimes, assault of Tribal justice personnel, child violence, obstruction of justice, sexual violence, sex trafficking, and stalking.
  • Modernize outdated terminology and procedures.
  • Allow the Suquamish Tribe to exercise their sovereign power to investigate, prosecute, convict, and sentence both Indian and non-Indians who commit covered crimes in Indian country against Indian victims.
  • In cases of obstruction of justice and assault of Tribal justice personnel, the victim need not be Indian.  Tribes may exercise this jurisdiction regardless whether the non-Indian defendant has ties to the participating Tribe.
Deadline: Please submit written comments by November 20, 2024 to:
  • Mail – Office of the Tribal Attorney, VAWA 2022 Comments, P.O. Box 498, Suquamish, WA 98392
  • Email – With the subject line “VAWA 2022 Comments” to
Please feel free to forward this notice to any and all interested people.