2023 Communications Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help the Suquamish Tribe communications team serve you better. Please contact us at Communications@Suquamish.nsn.us if you have any questions or requests.



Communications Survey 2023

Where do you get most of your news about what's happening with the Suquamish Tribe?
Please check all that apply.
Are you getting too much, too little, or the right amount of information about: Tribal Government
Services available to Tribal Members
Tribal Culture
Upcoming Events
Elders' Activities
Youth Activities
Health & Wellness
Outside issues impacting the Tribal community (for example, challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act)
SUN ALERTS: Do you receive SUN text alerts on your cell phone?
Please check all that apply
SUN Alerts are most often:
check all that apply
Emergency SUN Alerts are most often:
check all that apply
Suquamish Weekly Email Update
Do you read the Weekly Update, emailed each Friday?
The parts of the Weekly Update I most often read:
Weekly Updates:
Are you a Tribal Member?
I am willing to be contacted by the Suquamish Communications Dept. to give you my opinion in the future
If you are willing to be contacted, or if you would like our help getting connected to SUN, please enter your phone number.
If you are willing to be contacted, or if you would like our help getting connected to SUN, please enter your email address.