Suquamish Tribe COVID-19 Vaccine Survey



The Suquamish Tribal Council has opted to provide the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to Tribal members who would like to receive it.

The purpose of this survey is to gauge how many people will be interested in getting the vaccine so that staff can be better prepared to distribute it.

There are only five brief questions and all responses are completely anonymous.

If you are certain others in your household won’t take the survey but you are reasonably sure of their answers, feel free to take the survey again for each person. Just click on the link you received and reanswer all the questions.

The Moderna vaccine requires two shots in order to receive full protection. The second shot must be given a month after the first. Both shots will be administered by Tribal staff on Port Madison Indian Reservation.

When both doses are taken, the Moderna vaccine provides 95 percent protection against COVID-19. Most side effects are a good sign that the vaccine is working as intended.