Suquamish Tribal Council


Monday, July 15, 2024

9:00 AM Executive Session
Heather Purser
Catherine Edwards
Logan Green
Ben Brueseke/Sarah George/Rachel Whitman
Kendra Martinez
Tim Woolsey
Scott Crowell/Vicki Cole

1:30 PM Special Guests and Reports
New Employee Introductions – Hannah Ljunggren
New Employee Introductions – Chief Mark Williams

1:40 PM New Business
Tribal Government Budget Modifications – Logan Green
Resolution 2024-294 Tribal Early Learning Fund Grant Application – Cori Silvey/Crystal Purcell
Resolution 2024-295 Shellfish Hatchery Owner’s Project Manager Services Contract – Viviane B.
Resolution 2024-296 Tribal Clean Energy Grant Application – Hannah Ljunggren
Resolution 2024-298 Port of Illahee Moorage Agreement – Kendra Martinez
Resolution 2024-299 STC Chapter 2.2 Amendments to Museum Code – Kendra Martinez
Resolution 2024-300 Capital – Public Facility, Infrastructure, Shelter – 2025 Grant – Alayna Garvin
Resolution 2024-303 ELC Head Start COLA Grant Application – Kayla Wakefield

2:15 PM Consent Agenda
Resolution 2024-297 Tulalip Resort & Casino Room Block Agreement – Elders Trip
Resolution 2024-301 Allocation of 6818 Geneva Ave
Resolution 2024-302 Allocation of 18841 Park Blvd

2:20 PM Comments from the floor

2:30 PM Approval of Minutes

2:35 PM Council Comments
Out of State Travel Requests

2:40 PM Adjourn