lushootseed homemeaning place of the clear salt water in the Southern Lushootseed language, has been the primary home of the Suquamish people since time immemorial. It is the ancient place on Agate Passage, the site of Old-Man-House Village, the winter home of Chief Seattle and the heart of the Suquamish people. It is here- past , present and future that the Suquamish people live on the land of our ancestors and our great-grandchildren.

Suquamish Museum

“Museum”Discover the rich culture and traditions of the people of the clear salt water and explore the history of Agate Passage, winter home of Chief Seattle and the heart of the Suquamish People.

August 16-18

From honoring ceremonies to athletic tournaments, Chief Seattle Days offers a variety of activities that capture the essence of Coast Salish culture. The public is welcome to this free event.

Port Madison Enterprises

VenturesOperating a variety of businesses aimed at developing community resources while promoting the economic and social welfare of the Suquamish Tribe through commercial activities.

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A picture of Healing House, where Community Health is co-located.
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