Some Good News: Wellness Staffer Does Not Have Covid-19

From Suquamish Tribe Executive Director Shyla Spicer:

I wanted share an update on test results regarding our Wellness Center staff member. Testing confirms the staff member DOES NOT have COVID-19.

We continue to respond to the rapidly evolving events surrounding COVID-19. We remain committed to providing updated information as it becomes available.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to deal with this global health crisis and work to protect the health and safety of our staff and community.

Tribal Government Shifting to Reduced Operations

The Suquamish Tribe will shift to reduced government operations for the next four weeks.
Beginning March 16, the vast majority of staff are instructed to remain home until at least April 10, at which time the situation will be reassessed.
Staff who are able to telecommute will do so. Essential services that must be provided in person will be conducted on modified schedules.
To be clear, Tribal government will continue, as much as possible, to provide essential services. More specifics on that will be announced in the coming days.
These are unprecedented times, requiring difficult decisions. This is one of them.
Health professionals say the best way to limit the spread of COVID-19 is to avoid gatherings and limit day-to-day contact. We are asking our employees and their families, and all members of our community to stay at home as much as possible and to avoid direct contact with others.
Your cooperation with “social distancing” can help save lives. Please keep washing your hands often.
These actions, along with other steps already taken, can help slow the spread of the disease, allowing local health care systems to keep up with the rate of new infections and to assist those who need intensive medical care.
We remain committed to doing everything possible to reduce the risks and to care for Tribal members, staff, and the wider community. We will regularly update our official Facebook and government website with the latest information.
We have survived hard times before. We will survive this.
We are pulling together. We are caring for our Elders and our children. We will get through this together.

General Council Postponed

In light of the unprecedented emergency created by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Suquamish Tribe General Council will not be held on March 15 as scheduled.
In a resolution approved by Tribal Council March 12, the General Council is now tentatively rescheduled for June 28.
This decision was not made lightly. We are especially concerned about our Elders and those with medical conditions that could make the disease serious or even fatal. This decision also came at the urging of a significant number of Tribal members who raised similar concerns.
Health experts say the best way to limit the spread of COVID-19 is to cancel large gatherings and limit person-to-person contact as much as possible.
Therefore, Tribal Council determined the most prudent course of action is to delay General Council until the threat to our people – and our wider community – has subsided.
The positions of Tribal Council Chairman and Secretary will remain on the ballot and elections for those positions will be held when General Council reconvenes. Until then, the current Council Members will remain in those positions.
The Suquamish Tribe remains committed to doing everything possible to reduce the risks and to care for Tribal members, staff, and the wider community.

Notice of closure: COVID-19 update

A staff member of the Suquamish Tribe Wellness Center, who has been ill, was tested for COVID-19 and is currently self-isolating at home. The test results are pending.
To be cautious, the Tribe is closing the Wellness Center beginning today and will reopen on March 17 pending the test results.
During the closure, the Wellness building will be cleaned and sanitized. Wellness staff is reaching out to their clients to make alternative plans for enabling continuity of services.
If you have any questions about care at the Wellness Center, you may direct them to:
• Brian Burwell at or
• Jonathan Glover at or 360-394-8601
The Suquamish Tribe is closely monitoring the emerging coronavirus situation in our region. Staff are fully engaged in planning and preparing for all scenarios.
Meanwhile, increased cleaning requirements have been implemented and additional supplies are being provided for personal hygiene and common spaces.
Accommodations are being made now to provide more opportunities for staff to telecommute when possible. The Suquamish Tribe is working hard to do everything possible to educate, reduce risk, and care for Tribal members, staff, and the wider community.
We are committed to providing a transparent flow of information, as it becomes available.

Tribal Council Update on COVID-19


Dear Tribal Citizens:

The Suquamish Tribal Council and Tribal government staff would like to take this opportunity to inform you of our efforts to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 coronavirus.  We understand that our Tribal community is concerned, as we are, and want to protect our most vulnerable population: Elders and those with underlying health conditions.  This is an evolving situation, and we are monitoring information provided by federal, state and local governments, and by our own health experts.

As you know, health officials are suggesting that government and businesses consider cancelling non-essential gatherings and meetings.

In light of this unprecedented situation and potential health risks, the Tribal Council has made the following decisions regarding upcoming Tribal gatherings:

  1. The General Council meeting will be limited to one day, Sunday, March 15, 2020 at Kiana Lodge. This Monday, Tribal Council will approve a modified agenda for our Sunday General Council meeting.  This agenda will include elections and reports (as required by our constitution) with the intention of reducing exposure. The Saturday session, including the Elders meeting, will not be held. 
  2. There will be no childcare provided during the Sunday meeting.
  3. The Elders Cruise to Mexico will be postponed.
  4. A Time to Gather, the Suquamish Foundation’s annual fundraising dinner, will be postponed.
  5. All other non-essential travel and events are now under review.

Please access the Tribe’s Facebook page for the most immediate updates.

Please continue to follow precautions in your everyday lives, including frequent hand-washing, wiping down common surfaces and staying home if you are sick.

If you have questions regarding the best way to protect your health, please contact:

Nehreen Ayub – (206) 920-0748 /
Barbara Hoffman – (360) 394-8468 /

If you have questions about event management, such as General Council, please contact Rebecca Purser (360-394-8406 / or a Council member.

The Suquamish Tribe has withstood many challenges since first contact over 200 years ago and we are confident that we can manage this threat successfully by being unified, informed and appropriately decisive.




Leonard Forsman, Chairman

Wayne George, Vice Chairman

Nigel Lawrence, Secretary

Robin Sigo, Treasurer

Rich Purser, Councilmember

Jay Mills, Councilmember

Sammy Mabe, Councilmember


Suquamish Tribe taking steps to care for Tribal members and wider community through coronavirus outbreak

The Suquamish Tribe is monitoring the Covid-19 coronavirus situation carefully while continuing to take steps to educate, reduce risk, and care for Tribal members and the wider Port Madison Indian Reservation community.
The Tribe and our health experts are coordinating with Washington State Department of Health, Kitsap Public Health District, and other local heath jurisdictions. At this time, we are especially focused on those who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus, particularly elders and those with compromised immune systems.
The Tribe is also weighing options on how to best proceed with the upcoming General Council meeting currently scheduled for March 14-15, as well as two upcoming Elders trips.
The Suquamish Tribe will continue to provide updates as needed.
In the meantime, simple measures can be taken by each member of the community that are proven to help limit the spread of this disease.
Among them:
• Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Try to stay at least six feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
• Cover your coughs or sneezes in your elbow or into a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
• Clean and disinfect high-use objects and surfaces such as doorknobs, faucet handles, railings, and shared keyboards.
• If you are ill, stay home and seek healthcare if needed.

The following websites are the some of the best sources for coronavirus updates and information:


Quarantine Response Course offered Nov. 7-8

Evacuation Planning Course coming Dec. 18

In Wake of 9-11 Sept is National Preparedness Month

Did you know that #NatlPrep Month is a result of increased emergency preparedness in the wake of the 9/11 attacks that occurred 18 years ago today?

Since 2004, September has been declared National Preparedness Month and is sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The focus is on personal and community preparedness.

This year’s theme is #PreparedNotScared and a wide variety of resources are available at

Coming Soon: Emergency Management Fair