Suquamish Tribe seeks input on hazard planning

BIA Secretarial Election Results

Amending the Suquamish Tribe’s Constitution to Remove the Secretary of Interior and BIA Oversight


Posted on April 8, 2022


The Secretarial Election Board, whose members include Puget Sound BIA Superintendent Janine Van Dusen and Suquamish Tribal Members Martha George-Sachava and Charlene Renquist certify that the results of the election are to adopt the proposed Constitutional amendment.

The total vote is 137 in favor of adopting the Constitutional change and 59 opposed. A total of 280 Tribal members registered to vote in this election.



You are entitled to challenge the results of the election pursuant to 25 CFR §81.43 if you are a Registered Voter for this Election. Your written challenge must be received by April 13 at 4pm by Superintendent Janine Van Dusen. Superintendent Van Dusen can be reached via email at [email protected] or at (425) 622-9158.

The following is the statute that defines this process:

§ 81.43 How are the results of the Election challenged?

Any person who was listed on the Eligible Voters List and who submitted a voter registration form may challenge the results of the Secretarial election. The written challenge, with substantiating evidence, must be received by the Chairman of the Secretarial Election Board within 5 days after the Certificate of Results of Election is posted, not including the day the Certificate of Results of Election is posted. Challenges received after the deadline for filing challenges will not be considered. If the third day falls on a weekend or Federal holiday, the challenge must be received by close of business on the next business day.

The Northwest Regional Office Director, Bryan Mercier, will receive the election results and any challenges that the Election Board receives. The Regional Director will rule on the challenges and approve or disapprove the election results on or before June 1, 2022.

General Council 2022 Handbook Submissions

Kraken Tickets Raffle — Enter Here

The Seattle Kraken is giving the Suquamish Tribe 10 upper bowl tickets to Indigenous Peoples Night at the Kraken game on Dec. 6, 2021, at 7pm. Enter to win a pair of tickets below. We’ll choose the five Tribal members whose numbers come closest to a pre-selected random number to each receive two tickets.

One entry per Tribal member, please.

Note: All who attend must wear a mask, and all who are age 12 or older must bring proof of vaccination.


Healing of the Canoe Survey

Healing of the Canoe is working on an adult version of the Youth Curriculum. This survey will help us better understand what adults in the Tribe want to see included. These questions come from initial focus groups with Suquamish Elders, Cultural Committee, and Suquamish leaders.

We appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete this survey.


Suquamish Tribe Distribution Survey

As the Suquamish Tribe continues with drive-thru distributions, we would like to better understand dates, times, and distribution items that work best for you and your family. We appreciate you taking 5 minutes to fill out this survey to help us improve future tribal distributions.


Update your SUN contact info

IMPORTANT: If you are trying to sign up for SUN for the FIRST TIME, please click here.

If you want to change an email address or cell phone number, or adjust which communities you receive texts and emails on, updating your SUN info is easy.  There’s no need to fill out the entire form below, just enter the parts you want to change.

NOTE: If you stopped receiving SUN texts, you can usually turn them back on by simply texting the word “ALERT” to 22300. 

If you have any questions or are unsure what to do, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Update Your SUN Contact Info

  • What info would you like to change?

    Fill in only the sections you want to change.
  • If you want to change your cell phone number, enter your new number here:
  • If you would like to add a new email address, enter it here.
  • If you want to change your postal code, enter your new zip code here:
  • Please check ALL the communities you are a part of and would like to receive updates on. If you don't want to make any changes to your subscriptions, leave this blank.
  • Anything else you want to tell us to get your information up to date?
  • This information is used to verify Tribal enrollment in order to send exclusive information meant for Suquamish Tribal members only.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


For WA State Tribal Fishers: NOAA Cares Act Relief Payments Coming Friday

Relief Payments from NOAA Cares Act State Funds coming Friday for Washington state ceremonial/subsistence fishers as well as for commercial fishers.

Note: this is NOT part of the COVID-19 Hardship Assistance program recently announced by Suquamish Tribal Council. This is a completely separate program.

Payments will be issued Friday, July 30, for all Tribal members 18 years old and above as part of NOAA Cares Act STATE  funds earmarked for subsistence and/or ceremonial fishers. Because all Tribal members are subsistence fishers, this payment will go out to all Tribal members residing in the state.

Payments will be made to those who were at least 18 years old prior to June 30, 2020, as that was the deadline for harvestable species dates required within Jan. 1, 2020 to June 31, 2020 window.

Payment will also be made to commercial fishers as part of Cares Act STATE Funds paid out by species catch. Each species payout will be per species for clams, halibut, and geoduck.

Payments will be made by mail or direct deposit. If you’ve had an address change, please be sure to update your records with enrollment by Sept. 20, 2021 to receive your payment. We encourage everyone to make sure their address is current.

Suquamish Tribe COVID-19 Hardship Assistance Policy and Application

UPDATE August 4, 2021:

Because of last week’s technical issues with the Online form, we are resending links via SUN to new online application forms. The links already went to Elders. The new ones will go to several different identical DocuSign forms.

You also have the option of filling in hard copy forms at the Tribal Administration Building, or downloading the form linked to below and returning it via email or mail (see #2 and #3 below).

Payments will be deposited and mailed beginning on August 13, and will roll out from there.

Deadline for applications is October 31, 2021.


The current COVID-19 pandemic continues to place unprecedented hardships on tribal families. The Suquamish Tribe believes that providing tribal households with COVID-19 hardship assistance will help alleviate some of the hardships families are currently facing in these challenging times and will assist in improving individual welfare and the welfare of his or her family. The COVID-19 hardship assistance is to assist Suquamish Tribal Members for uses, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Covering housing or living expenses (ex. groceries, utilities, internet, etc.).
  • Paying rent or mortgage.
  • Covering unforeseen costs for emergency individual/family needs.
  • Covering unforeseen expenses in obtaining hygiene/PPE (ex. Masks, disinfectants, clean water, toilet paper, etc.)
  • Covering costs related to remote work/student remote learning.
  • Covering unforeseen costs for medical expenses, including mental health counseling, due to COVID-19.
  • Covering unforeseen childcare expenses, including loss of childcare.
  • Other COVID-related economic hardships.


  1. Applicants must be enrolled Suquamish Tribal Members at least 18 years of age.
  2. The amount of COVID-19 hardship assistance will be determined by the Suquamish Tribal Council on an as-needed basis and will be distributed to each eligible individual Tribal Member.

Application Requirement:

Enrolled Suquamish Tribal Members at least 18 years of age are required to complete, sign and submit the COVID-19 Hardship Assistance Application under this policy to receive the one-time COVID-19 Hardship Assistance Distribution.

How to Apply

There are three ways to apply:

  1. Online Form: SPECIAL NOTICE(7/29/21): We are experiencing technical difficulties with the online form. We’re working hard to fix the problem. We will have a new link posted as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do NOT use the link that was previously provided. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
  2. Via email:
    Download and fill out this form and send via email to:  [email protected]
  3. Via regular mail:
    Print this form, or pick up a hard copy at Tribal Government front lobby, and mail to:
    Suquamish Tribe
    (Attn: Shenowah Purser)
    P.O. Box 498
    Suquamish, WA 98392

Note on Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit is not required to receive payment, but it is the fastest and safest way to receive relief funds.

If you have not already signed up for Direct Deposit and would like to, you can now sign-up for Suquamish Tribe Direct Deposit completely online with this easy DocuSign form.

You can also download Suquamish Tribe’s Direct Deposit form here. Just return the filled-out form to the Finance Department.










Suquamish Tribe Beginning Weekly Vaccination Celebration Raffle July 9

In celebration and appreciation of Suquamish Tribe community members who have gotten their COVID-19 vaccination, the Suquamish Tribe will begin weekly prize drawings every Friday starting on July 9.

Suquamish Tribal members and their households, Suquamish Government staff, and PME employees who have received their COVID-19 vaccination are eligible to win.

Three prizes will be awarded each week. Prizes include a special gift basket, Eighth Generation blankets, and a night’s stay at the Clearwater Resort.

That’s about $500 worth of prizes each week!

Suquamish Tribe community members vaccinated through the Tribe’s Vaccination Clinic are automatically entered to win. That includes all youth who were vaccinated in collaboration with Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe.

If you were vaccinated somewhere else, all you need to do to enter is email your proof of vaccination to [email protected].

Those who decide to get vaccinated can also enter by emailing in their proof of vaccination. Vaccinations are now available for free at most pharmacies.

Entries submitted by noon every Friday, or already in the drawing pool from previous weeks, will be eligible for that afternoon’s raffle.

Suquamish Tribe leaders encourage everyone who can get vaccinated to get their shots. The more people in our community who are protected from COVID-19, the safer everyone will be. Even if you’re not concerned about contracting this dangerous disease, please do it for our Elders, for our children who can’t yet get vaccinated, and those with compromised immune systems.