PRESS ADVISORY — Canoe Journey 2023: Suquamish Tribe Hosts Last Stop Before Muckleshoot’s Alki Beach Landing


SUQUAMISH, July 2023 — Tribal Canoe Journey is back for the first time since COVID, and the Suquamish Tribe is hosting the last stop before the final landing at Alki Beach. An estimated 100 canoes from throughout the Northwest and Canada will be arriving on the beach in front of the House of Awakened Culture in Suquamish on July 28, 2023. About 9,000 people will spend two nights here before they make the final paddle on July 30 to Alki Beach and the Muckleshoot Tribe’s hosting.

Reporters, photographers, and filmmakers are invited to attend and report on this event. In order to prioritize the integrity of the ceremony and the safety of canoe families and hosts, media representatives are asked to follow the Tribe’s ground rules and obtain a press pass by filling out this form:


Highlights of the Suquamish hosting include:

Friday, July 28, 2023

Noon to 4pm: Canoes arrive and request permission to come ashore to rest, share stories, and share traditional foods. Suquamish hosts welcome them, and canoes are carried up the boat ramp to the lawn in front of the House of Awakened Culture, the Suquamish Tribe’s longhouse and community gathering space.

5pm: Seafood dinner is served to 9,000-plus people traveling on the water or supporting the canoe families.

7pm: Protocol begins during which visiting canoe families share songs, dances, stories from their travels, and gifts inside the House of Awakened Culture. The tribes that travelled the longest distances are the first on the floor.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Noon: Protocol continues, dinner is served at 5pm, and protocol resumes at 6pm.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Morning: Canoe families are released for the final stage of the journey to Alki Beach. Canoes are packed down the boat ramp by paddlers and volunteers. Suquamish canoes, which joined other canoe families in Bellingham, on Lummi land, continue with all the other canoes paddling the last leg of the 2023 journey to Alki Beach, where the Muckleshoot Tribe will welcome the paddlers.



The Suquamish Tribe will make photos, press releases, and drone footage available to the media. Contact us at the link below, or include a request in the press form linked to above.





[email protected]

Sarah van Gelder
Suquamish Tribe Communications Manager
Cell: (206) 491-0196


Jon Anderson
Suquamish Tribe Communications Coordinator
Cell: (206) 999-3912




2023 Suquamish Canoe Journey Route & Timeline

This is the latest draft of the route the Suquamish Canoe Family will take during the Tribal Journey.


Nation/Village/Place Landing Day Departure Day # Days
Lummi/Stommish Grounds (by Barge/vehicles)

(arriving Lummi Stommish Grounds 2295 Lummi View Dr. Bellingham WA 98226)

Sunday, July 23, 2023 Monday, July 24, 2023 1

(Landing: Seafarers Memorial Park, 601 Seafarers Way, Anacortes, WA 98221)

(Camping 17275 Reservation Road La Conner WA 9825)

Monday, July 24, 2023 Tuesday, July 25, 2023 1
Swinomish Youth Center

(Landing: 16969 Reservation Road, La Conner, WA 98257)

(Camping: 17275 Reservation Road La Conner WA 98257)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 Wednesday, July 26, 2023 1
Cama Beach

(2269 Lowell Point Rd, Camano Island, WA 98282)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Thursday, July 27, 2023 1
Tulalip Gym

(Landing: 6722 Totem Beach RD Tulalip WA 98271)

Thursday, July 27, 2023 Friday, July 28, 2023 1

(7235 NE Parkway Suquamish WA 98392) (7/21/19 Suquamish leave on TCJ)

Friday, July 28 2023 Sunday, July 30, 2023 2

(Landing: Alki Beach 2665 Alki Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116)

(Camping: Pow Wow Grounds 17300 SE 392nd St. Auburn WA 98092)

Sunday, July 30, 2023 Sunday, August 6, 2023 7
Ground Crew return – Suquamish/HOAC

(7235 NE Parkway Suquamish WA 98392)

Monday, August 7, 2023 1
Suquamish Canoe Family – Suquamish/HOAC pick up gear/clean-up equipment, UHaul truck, barge, canoe shed, bring gear to storage unit Tuesday, August 8, 2023 12:00 pm 1
Whole Journey 16


2023 Suquamish Tribal Journey Registration


This agreement explains how to represent the Suquamish Tribe (who sponsors this trip) and Suquamish People, the following conduct will help ensure a peaceful time for everyone:

  1. Everyone is expected to be ready, and capable of doing their share of work involved with setting up, cooking, cleaning, and breaking down camp, clean up on support boats, canoes, and vehicles while participating in Tribal Canoe Journey.
    • Each person participating will be assigned a random team number that will be your number throughout the journey. Each team will be assigned a camp duty to be performed for the day.  This duty will change each day. Not listening or participating in duties will not be tolerated, if persistent you will be sent home.  Team leads assignments are made prior to leaving. Barge Captain, Head Cook and Ground Crew Lead will not be assigned a team.
    • Everyone is on kitchen duty. You must help with cooking, cleaning, dishes and packing up the kitchen every day. You will also be responsible for purchasing, cleaning and storing your own mess kit (i.e. plates, bowls, silverware, water bottle, and hot cup), we will have some for canoe family members unable to purchase their own.
  2. Every morning, we will have a canoe family circle (meeting).  Additional circles can be scheduled at any time.  It is your responsibility to be at all circles, on time, and ready to participate.
  3. Before heading out on the last morning, your tent, sleeping bag, and totes will be packed and brought to the U-Haul Truck in a timely manner.
  4. For ceremonial purposes and safety, absolutely no use of alcohol, drugs, (THC) marijuana or misuse of prescription medications. Any person involved with and/or under the influence of a substance, will not be permitted to continue to participate in the Tribal Canoe Journey and will be sent home.  Weapons are prohibited. If over the age of 18, cigarette smoking is only permitted 25ft outside of camp.
  5. Physical violence, verbal abuse, bullying, and intimidation WILL NOT BE tolerated.
  6. Be respectful of others.  Be mindful of your language, remember camp is for everyone’s use. Be respectful while using technology, including social media platforms as well as individual communications (no bullying, posts of inappropriate behavior, etc.). This includes all social media platforms. Be mindful of time, volume, etc.
  7. If you see that someone needs help, help them out. All participants are required to help around camp, with the barge, and around canoes. Journey is not a “vacation,” even if you use your vacation to attend and even if your mother is there, you will pick up after yourself. If you see garbage or other items don’t walk over them, pick them up and place where they belong.
  8. Elders are to be respected. If you see an elder in need of help, or struggling to do something, jump in and help. If you’re near an elder, Suquamish or otherwise, offer to assist them.  If you’re sitting somewhere and space is limited, give your space to an elder. If you’re at a meal and you see an elder without food, ask if you could get them some.
  9. Visiting the tents of participants of your sexual/romantic preference is strictly prohibited. No public displays of affection. (PDA)
  10. Remember to be respectful of other people’s belongings. You don’t want your stuff messed with and no one else does either. You are responsible for your own possessions. If you bring things of value (i.e. phones, iPods, games, jewelry, regalia or money) you are responsible for lost or stolen objects. If something is lost or broken notify Staff/Chaperone as soon as possible. If possible, we can repair or replace said item.
  11. Stealing or shoplifting is illegal and if you are caught, you will not be permitted to continue to participate in Tribal Canoe Journeys.
  12. All minors (anyone under 18) will be in camp, or with an approved chaperone.

For community care, we advise that you report any illness and take necessary precautions. Hand sanitizers, masks, and COVID tests will be available at camp.



If you have not yet signed up for SUN Alerts please do so here.

If you already get SUN Alerts but need to update your information, you can do that here.

For the current draft timeline and route Suquamish Canoe Family will be taking click here.



Justice Gorsuch opinion in ICWA ruling is worth reading

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch offers a masterclass on tribal sovereignty in his concurring opinion offered in the court’s recent decision to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act.

“In affirming the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), the Court safeguards the ability of tribal members to raise their children free from interference by state authorities and other outside parties. In the process, the Court also goes a long way toward restoring the original balance between federal, state, and tribal powers the Constitution envisioned,” he writes in a 43-page opinion.

“I write separately to add some historical context. To appreciate fully the significance of today’s decision requires an understanding of the long line of policies that drove Congress to adopt ICWA. And to appreciate why that law surely comports with the Constitution requires a bird’s-eye view of how our founding document mediates between competing federal, state, and tribal claims of sovereignty.”

Click here to read his analysis in full.

‘Brown water’ advisory for tribal housing neighborhoods

How to get your clear water back on tap

The Suquamish Tribe maintains a well that provides water to homes in several tribal housing neighborhoods, as well as the Marion Forsman-Boushie Early Learning Center, Family & Friends Center, Fitness Center, and Ball Field sprinkler system. The water is treated with chlorine to protect public health.

When the water runs with a brownish tint it usually means water flow has been briefly disturbed, lifting up water sediment. Traces of manganese, a naturally occurring metal in the sediment, causes the brown hue. The water clears when the sediment settles.

Manganese does not pose a threat to public health.

Still, we know it doesn’t look good. That’s why the Suquamish Water Utility Program periodically flushes the mains to minimize these occurrences. However, due to increased water usage during summer months, including use of the ball field’s sprinklers and activated fire hydrants, brown water can still show up.

Clearing it out: Dos and Don’ts

If brown water occurs at your location, there are some things you can do to help clear it out. Here are some dos & don’ts to keep in mind:

Do run your water on cold – You can speed this by up by also flushing toilets and running spigots. If the water does not clear after a few minutes, turn off water, wait an hour, and then try again.

Don’t run hot water – Running hot water will empty clear water from your hot water tank and fill it with discolored water.

Don’t do laundry – Manganese-tinted water can stain clothes, so wait until it clears before starting your next load.

If you have run cold water a few times and it still does not clear, please contact our staff for additional assistance:

James Old Coyote, Water Utility Operator (360) 394-8509
William Lawrence, Water Utility Manager (360) 394-8506

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The Suquamish Tribe’s Wellness Center has a slew of events planned for Mental Health Awareness Month through May. All activities are open to the Suquamish Community.

Here’s a round-up of what’s coming up:

Weekday Wellness Activities: Each weekday of the month of May join us in connecting with ourselves and culture to support our wellness. Monday Meditations, Tuesday Traditional Crafts, Wednesday Walk or Jog, and Thursday Canoe Journey Giveaway making.

Events/Presentations: Please join us in food, crafts, fun field day, storytelling, workshops, and training this month. Frybread Tacos, Happy box and aroma therapy making, Seven Grandfather Teaching for Youth, Nutrition and Wellness Talk, and Mental Health First Aid Training for Adults.

Personal Wellness Journey Booklet: Self-guided booklet utilizing evidence-based and cultural-based practices to support holistic wellness (available for pick up at Wellness Center or electronically at request via email to [email protected])

31 Days of Mental Wellness for Youth: In partnership with the ELC and Family & Friends Center, Wellness will support both agencies in a 31 days of mental wellness activities that can be done both at the centers and at home.

Check out the May Wellness Calendar for more details.

2023 Communications Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help the Suquamish Tribe communications team serve you better. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or requests.



Proposed Tribal Code Amendment

Proposed Amendments: Chapter 5.15- Exclusion of Tribal Members from the Port Madison Indian Reservation

The Suquamish Tribal Council is seeking written comments on proposed amendments to Suquamish Tribal Code Chapter 5.15—Exclusion of Tribal Members from the Port Madison Indian Reservation. Please submit written comments by March 31, 2023. Contact the Office of Tribal Attorney for a copy of the proposed amendments.

Suquamish Tribal Code Chapter 5.15 – Exclusion of Tribal Members from the Port Madison Indian Reservation, adopted by Resolution 2022-170 on October 24, 2022, contains a provision in Section 5.15.1(c) stating that any Suquamish tribal member may be excluded from the Port Madison Indian Reservation and all lands subject to the Suquamish Tribe’s jurisdiction if convicted of a violent crime that results in “serious” bodily injury, as defined by tribal, state, or federal law. The proposed amendments would:

  • Revise Section 5.15.1(c) to enable Tribal Council to exclude tribal members who have committed assaults that result in “substantial” bodily injury, as defined by tribal, state, or federal law.
  • Revise “Port Madison Indian Reservation” to “Port Madison Reservation” within the title and throughout the chapter.

Submit comments or requests for a copy of the proposed amendments to: Office of Tribal Attorney, STC Chapter 5.15 Comments, P.O. Box 498, Suquamish, WA 98392 or by email with the subject line “Chapter 5.15 Comments” to: [email protected].

Written comments are due by March 31, 2023. Please feel free to forward this notice to any and all interested people. Thank you.